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Category: Lasik Eye Surgery

Exploring Advanced Laser Technologies in Eye Surgery

Advancements in medical technology have revolutionized the field of eye surgery, particularly with the introduction of advanced laser technologies. Laser eye surgery, also known as refractive surgery, has gained popularity in recent years due to its remarkable precision and effectiveness in correcting vision problems. In this article, we will explore the basics of laser eye surgery, the different types of advanced laser technologies in use today, the benefits they offer, potential risks and complications, and the exciting future of laser technologies in ophthalmology.

Understanding the Basics of Laser and LASIK Eye Surgery

Before delving into the advanced laser technologies used in LASIK eye surgery, it’s important to grasp the fundamental principles behind this groundbreaking procedure. Laser eye surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that aims to correct refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. By reshaping the cornea, the clear front surface of the eye, laser eye surgery can enhance visual acuity and reduce dependency on corrective eyewear.

Historically, laser eye surgery has evolved significantly since its inception, marked by the development of sophisticated laser technologies and the refinement of surgical techniques.

The Evolution of Laser Eye Surgery

The journey of laser eye surgery began with the development of the excimer laser in the 1970s. This groundbreaking invention allowed for precise tissue removal without generating heat, making it suitable for delicate eye surgeries. In the early years, photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) was the primary laser eye surgery technique used.

However, the advent of the microkeratome and the subsequent introduction of LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) in the 1990s revolutionized the field. LASIK quickly became the preferred laser eye surgery technique due to its quicker healing time and reduced post-operative discomfort.

The introduction of LASIK brought about a new era in laser eye surgery. The procedure involves creating a thin flap on the cornea using a microkeratome or a femtosecond laser. This flap is then lifted, and the underlying corneal tissue is reshaped using the excimer laser. The flap is then repositioned, acting as a natural bandage that promotes faster healing.

Over time, LASIK techniques have continued to advance, with the introduction of wavefront-guided LASIK and bladeless LASIK. These technologies further enhance the precision and accuracy of the procedure, allowing for customized treatment based on the unique characteristics of each patient’s eye.

eye model

The Science Behind Laser Eye Surgery

When it comes to laser eye surgery, understanding the underlying science is crucial. During the procedure, the surgeon utilizes an excimer laser to gently reshape the cornea by removing microscopic layers of tissue. This precise reshaping allows light to properly focus on the retina, resulting in improved vision.

One of the remarkable aspects of laser eye surgery is its ability to correct different refractive errors. In cases of nearsightedness, the cornea is flattened to reduce the excessive curvature, enabling distant objects to come into focus. On the other hand, for individuals with farsightedness, the cornea is steepened to enhance the focus on nearby objects. Astigmatism, which involves an irregularly shaped cornea, can also be corrected by selectively reshaping different regions of the cornea.

Advancements in laser technology have also led to the development of other laser eye surgery techniques, such as PRK, LASEK (Laser-Assisted Sub-Epithelial Keratectomy), and SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction). These procedures offer alternatives to LASIK and are suitable for individuals with specific eye conditions or thinner corneas.

It’s important to note that laser eye surgery is not suitable for everyone. A thorough evaluation by an experienced ophthalmologist is necessary to determine candidacy for the procedure. Factors such as age, overall eye health, and stability of the refractive error are taken into consideration during the assessment process.

In conclusion, laser eye surgery has come a long way since its early days. With advancements in laser technology and surgical techniques, it has become a safe and effective option for individuals seeking to correct their vision. Understanding the basics and the science behind laser eye surgery can help individuals make informed decisions about their eye health and explore the possibilities of a life without glasses or contact lenses. By clicking here you can read about Understanding the Causes, Symptoms, and treatment of Dry Eyes after Cataract Surgery.

Different Types of Advanced Laser Technologies

As technology continues to advance, eye surgeons now have access to various advanced laser technologies that enhance the precision and safety of eye surgery. Let’s explore two prominent examples: femtosecond lasers and excimer lasers.

Femtosecond Lasers in Eye Surgery

Femtosecond lasers have revolutionized the process of creating corneal flaps in LASIK surgery. These lasers emit ultra-short pulses of light, each lasting only a femtosecond (one quadrillionth of a second). By precisely targeting the corneal tissue, femtosecond lasers create corneal flaps with unparalleled accuracy, minimizing the risk of complications and improving visual outcomes.

Furthermore, femtosecond lasers have expanded the range of candidates eligible for LASIK surgery. Patients with thinner corneas or irregular corneal shapes can now undergo laser eye surgery safely and effectively.

In addition to their role in LASIK surgery, femtosecond lasers have found applications in other ophthalmic procedures. For instance, they are used in the creation of corneal pockets for the implantation of intracorneal ring segments, a technique used to correct keratoconus, a progressive eye condition characterized by thinning and bulging of the cornea.

Moreover, femtosecond lasers have been utilized in cataract surgery to create precise incisions and fragment the cloudy lens, facilitating its removal. This technology has improved the safety and predictability of cataract surgery, leading to faster recovery times and better visual outcomes for patients.

Excimer Lasers: A Detailed Overview

Excimer lasers remain a pivotal tool in laser eye surgery owing to their unique properties. These lasers emit ultraviolet light, which allows them to precisely remove corneal tissue without generating any heat or thermal damage. The ability to perform highly controlled tissue ablation has made excimer lasers indispensable in reshaping the cornea during LASIK and other refractive surgeries.

Over the years, excimer lasers have undergone significant advancements, resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy, and safety. Customized wavefront-guided treatments, made possible by excimer lasers, have led to better visual outcomes and reduced chances of experiencing side effects such as halos and glare.

Besides their role in vision correction procedures, excimer lasers have found applications in other areas of ophthalmology. For example, they are used in photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), a laser eye surgery technique that reshapes the cornea to correct refractive errors. Excimer lasers are also employed in the treatment of corneal scars, where they help remove the scar tissue and promote corneal healing.

Furthermore, excimer lasers have been utilized in the field of ophthalmic research. Scientists and researchers use these lasers to study the effects of laser ablation on corneal tissue and to develop new treatment modalities for various eye conditions.

In conclusion, femtosecond and excimer lasers have revolutionized the field of eye surgery, providing surgeons with advanced tools to achieve precise and safe outcomes. These technologies continue to evolve, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in vision correction and other ophthalmic procedures.

Benefits of Advanced Laser Technologies in Eye Surgery

The utilization of advanced laser technologies in eye surgery offers numerous benefits that make it an attractive option for individuals seeking vision correction. Let’s explore some of the key advantages:

Precision and Accuracy in Surgical Procedures

Advanced laser technologies enable eye surgeons to perform highly precise and accurate procedures. With the ability to precisely remove tissue at a microscopic level, surgeons can reshape the cornea with exceptional accuracy, resulting in improved visual outcomes.

This level of precision has significantly reduced the dependence on glasses or contact lenses for many patients, allowing them to experience the freedom of clear vision without the constraints of corrective eyewear.

Furthermore, the precision and accuracy offered by advanced laser technologies in eye surgery have revolutionized the treatment of various eye conditions. For instance, laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) has become a popular procedure for correcting nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. By reshaping the cornea using laser technology, LASIK has helped countless individuals achieve better vision and improved quality of life.

Reduced Recovery Time and Discomfort

Compared to traditional surgical methods, laser eye surgery offers reduced recovery time and discomfort. Thanks to advanced laser technologies, the cornea can heal faster, enabling patients to resume their daily activities more quickly.

Moreover, the minimally invasive nature of laser eye surgery translates into less post-operative pain and discomfort, making it a preferred choice over older techniques that required longer healing periods and involved more invasive procedures.

In addition to faster recovery times, advanced laser technologies have also led to shorter surgical procedures. The precision and efficiency of lasers allow surgeons to complete eye surgeries in a shorter amount of time, minimizing the duration of anesthesia and reducing the overall stress on the patient.

Furthermore, the reduced recovery time and discomfort associated with laser eye surgery have made it a popular choice for individuals with busy lifestyles. Many patients can return to work and other daily activities within a few days, allowing them to quickly resume their normal routines without prolonged downtime.

Overall, the benefits of advanced laser technologies in eye surgery are clear. From improved precision and accuracy to reduced recovery time and discomfort, these advancements have revolutionized the field of vision correction, providing patients with better visual outcomes and an enhanced quality of life.

Potential Risks and Complications

While laser eye surgery is generally safe and effective, it’s essential to acknowledge that all surgical procedures carry some degree of risk. It’s crucial for patients to be aware of the potential risks and complications associated with laser eye surgery. Let’s explore these in more detail:

Understanding the Risks of Laser Eye Surgery

Although rare, complications can occur during or after laser eye surgery. These include dry eyes, night vision problems, halos, glare, corneal ectasia, infection, and undercorrection or overcorrection of vision.

Fortunately, advancements in laser technologies and surgical techniques have significantly reduced the occurrence of these complications. Additionally, thorough preoperative screenings and careful patient selection help mitigate the risks associated with laser eye surgery.

Mitigating Complications in Advanced Laser Procedures

Eye surgeons employ several strategies to mitigate the risks and complications associated with advanced laser procedures. Through meticulous preoperative assessments, surgeons can identify patients who may not be suitable candidates for laser eye surgery. By carefully evaluating factors such as corneal thickness, pupil size, and overall eye health, surgeons can ensure optimal surgical outcomes.

Moreover, advancements in diagnostic technologies, such as optical coherence tomography (OCT), allow surgeons to precisely analyze microscopic structures within the eye, enabling more accurate surgical planning and positive patient outcomes.

The Future of Laser Technologies in Ophthalmology

The field of ophthalmology is constantly evolving, and laser technologies are at the forefront of this transformation. In the years to come, we can expect continued advancements and exciting developments in laser eye surgery. Here are a few key areas to keep an eye on:

Emerging Trends in Laser Eye Surgery

One of the emerging trends in laser eye surgery is the integration of wavefront-guided technology with femtosecond lasers. This combination allows for highly customized and personalized treatments, further enhancing visual outcomes for patients.

Additionally, procedures such as corneal collagen cross-linking, which strengthens the cornea and helps halt the progression of conditions like keratoconus, will likely become more prevalent in the future.

The Role of AI and Robotics in Future Procedures

The future of laser technologies in ophthalmology is also intertwined with the advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics. These technologies have the potential to streamline surgical processes, improve accuracy, and optimize patient outcomes.

Robotic-assisted laser eye surgery, for example, could enhance surgical precision by providing surgeons with real-time feedback and automated adjustments. AI algorithms can enable more efficient preoperative planning and postoperative monitoring, leading to even better visual outcomes.

In conclusion, advanced laser technologies have transformed the field of eye surgery, offering patients remarkable precision, faster recovery, and improved visual outcomes. With continued advancements on the horizon, the future of laser technologies in ophthalmology holds exciting possibilities. As technology continues to evolve, patients can look forward to safer, more individualized, and effective laser eye surgery procedures.

The Thrilling Success of LASIK Surgery

The laser assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) surgery is the safest, most successful, and most well studied elective procedure in the world. It also has the best patient satisfaction rate of any elective procedure that is now available in modern medicine.

If you’ve spent the majority of your life wearing glasses or contacts, there’s a good chance you’ve thought about getting eye surgery LASIK and have been doing extensive study on the procedure. 

During the course of your investigation, you have probably come across internet articles and posts on social media that warn of the potential difficulties of LASIK surgery and sensationalise the potential downsides, side effects, and unfounded figures associated with the procedure. 

There is sufficient disinformation to cause anyone who is considering treatment to reassess their options and come to terms with the fact that they will need to wear glasses or contact lenses for the rest of their lives.

This happens frequently without ever having consulted with an actual trained ophthalmologist in any capacity.

If they had done so, they would have amassed a plethora of information that, without a shadow of a doubt. It would have given them the ability to make an assured and well-informed decision about whether or not to investigate LASIK eye treatment further.

The Thrilling Success of LASIK Surgery

LASIK Reports of Success and Contentment

There have been literally thousands of clinical studies that have been peer-reviewed and focused on patient satisfaction and visual acuity in relation to the eye surgery of LASIK up until this point. 

Since the FDA first gave its blessing to eye surgery with LASIK in 1999, the procedure has undergone significant development. According to additional research carried out by the FDA, LASIK surgery has achieved great success and satisfaction rates. 

Furthermore, recent assessments of the literature from throughout the world discovered the following facts:

  • Over ninety percent of patients achieve eyesight of 20/20 or greater.
  • More than 99% of patients achieve vision that is at least 20/40 or superior.
  • There was a 95% satisfaction rate among patients.
  • Patients undergoing LASIK eye surgery did not show an increase in the overall prevalence of visual complaints such as starbursts, halos, glare, or ghosting.

LASIK eye surgery has been in use for more than fifteen years, and in Australia alone, it has been carried out more than nineteen million times. When compared to wearing contact lenses for a person’s entire life, statistics show that LASIK eye surgery patients have a far lower risk of experiencing substantial vision loss. 

LASIK surgery has the best patient satisfaction rate of any other elective operation; nonetheless, if it were unsafe in any way, this simply would not be the case.

Qualified Surgeons and Eligible Candidates for LASIK Surgery

Although the technology that underpins the eye surgery of LASIK is exceptionally precise and exact, the outcome of the surgery itself is highly dependent on the surgeon who performs it. When contemplating a LASIK eye surgery, it cannot be emphasised enough to search for a refractive specialist that possesses a very high level of expertise. 

To become an experienced ophthalmologist who is adept in providing vision correction treatments calls for a significant investment of both time and effort. to prove that they are worthy of the trust that is placed in them to act in a manner that is beneficial to you and your goal.

At our Vision Centers, the process of assessing LASIK eye surgery candidates and determining who is not a candidate for the procedure is extremely crucial. About half of the time, our medical professionals decline the surgery or offer an alternative solution. 

A patient who is a suitable candidate for LASIK surgery has an extremely low risk of experiencing a complication. This is especially true when the patient is thoroughly examined and treated by a professional and experienced surgeon with the appropriate equipment. 

In addition, prior to surgery, we subject individuals who have previously been authorised to two hours of preoperative testing. Our medical staff does everything in their power to ensure that patients are informed of the potential dangers, taking into account each person’s unique circumstances. 

We ensure that our patients are aware of any risk, regardless of how unlikely it may be by utilising a consent form and informative videos.

LASIK Surgeons Put Their Confidence in the Procedure

Ophthalmologists and laser eye surgeons have such a high level of confidence in the LASIK eye surgery that they choose to have it performed on themselves. 

Surgeons who specialise in eye surgery with LASIK are five times more likely to have the process done on themselves than the general population, and more than ninety percent of surgeons have either advised or performed this laser eye treatment on a member of their immediate family.

One of the most trustworthy pieces of advice that can be given to a patient who is going to have LASIK surgery is to find a surgeon who has been in the patient’s shoes and been through the operation that the surgeon will be performing on them.

Exceptional Professionals Make Use of Expectations LASIK

Laser eye treatment has been performed on a large scale on members of the general public for many years. Thanks to recent technological advancements, the procedure is now highly qualified to meet the exceptionally rigorous requirements of high-level positions in the Australian military, law enforcement agencies, and professional athletics. 

LASIK eye surgery makes use of computer-controlled lasers for eye treatment, which are so accurate and dependable that they meet the stringent criteria necessary for NASA astronauts to undergo the procedure in order to maintain the level of visual acuity essential for them to do their duties. 

LASIK of the Highest Quality, Performed by the Best

If you have nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, the highly qualified and experienced eye specialists at Personal Eyes are able to effectively and precisely correct your vision, no matter which condition you suffer from. 


If you are having any question or inquiry about how to have a correct vision, Laser eye surgery, Corneal tissue problems, Lasik surgery, laser beam in healing process, excimer laser usage, refractive eye surgery, laser treatment, laser suite, contact sports, the surgical procedure for refractive surgery or Lasik laser eye surgery – you should get in touch with us via our Personal Eyes website to book your free assessment today.

Related: Understanding the Causes, Symptoms, and treatment of Dry Eyes after Cataract Surgery

How to Deal With Extremely Anxious Patients During LASIK Surgery

On rare occasions, one will encounter a patient with extreme anxiety, if not an outright phobia, with his eye examination. Not only will he refuse all drops, citing agitation and fear, but also there is absolute defiance toward any tonometry or touching of the eyelids. Contact lenses? Not a chance. LASIK surgery? No way. Well, maybe. 

We have performed LASIK eye surgery on these types of patients utilizing general anaesthesia or, in the more recent past, with a Diprivan (propofol, AstraZeneca) drip. With the advent of Diprivan, surgery lasik can quickly and easily be performed even in the most highly anxious patients. 

Our pediatric colleagues perform exams under anaesthesia routinely and without hesitation. One wouldn’t hesitate to use Diprivan to achieve a lower eyelid blepharoplasty. There is an entire subspecialty within dentistry that utilizes conscious sedation. Furthermore, literature on LASIK surgery in the pediatric population utilizing general anaesthesia is abundant. However, I have yet to read anything in the literature on using Diprivan in adults for performing LASIK

Ironically, we all have had patients who became agitated or completely uncooperative after we had already started their LASIK. During these complex cases, the surgeon, whose pulse is racing as fast as the excimer fires, often thinks, “I wish I had an anesthesiologist right now to sedate this patient!” These markedly uncooperative patients can have suboptimal results secondary to movement during flap creation and poor fixation during the ablation. I recommend a much safer way of treating such patients if the surgeon can identify them before surgery. 

Related: How to Choose An Expert Surgeon for Your LASIK Eye Surgery

How to Deal With Extremely Anxious Patients During LASIK Surgery

Once carefully consented, these patients can be the most ecstatic and gratifying people in one’s practice. It’s almost as if they had given up hope of discarding their glasses. In the past 14 years of having a practice specializing in LASIK and cataract surgery, I have performed LASIK using Diprivan anaesthesia on two patients. Both were in their early 30s. Neither tried contact lenses because of the “fear of something getting near their eyes.” Just getting close to their eyelids would lead to panic. They infrequently scheduled examinations because of anxiety. Both were moderate-to-high myopes who had never even considered the surgery until I offered them the option of performing it with an anesthesiologist. 

Preoperative preparation

Your surgeon will conduct routine testing. After that, he will use Pentacam and Orbscan to quickly obtain the thickness of your cornea without applanation pachymetry. Schirmer’s testing may not be possible, so the customary tear film, meibomian gland and external exam are even more critical. Your surgeon should also document the size of your pupil even with a penlight if the patient is intolerant of formal pupillometry. 


These patients certainly do not want to hear any details of the procedure. However, they need to have the risks of infection, complications and even blindness explained carefully, as with any LASIK patient. Furthermore, they need to explain the risks of anaesthetic-related complications. 


These cases should be done in a laser centre adjacent to a surgery centre so that the patient can receive appropriate care if there is an anaesthetic-related complication. The patient fasts for 6 hours before the procedure, before a board-certified anesthesiologist uses some medication on the eyes. Your optometrist should explain the case details to the anesthesiologist ahead of time. Ideally, the anesthesiologist can watch an earlier case to become familiar with what he will do. All appropriate equipment, medication and monitoring devices should be available. 

The surgeon will start an intravenous line and administer verse to relax your nerves. He will then administer oxygen through a nasal cannula, obtain pulse oximetry and place EKG leads. The eye care provider will also help with Vitals, blood pressure, respiration and record pulse, as with any similar intraocular or extraocular surgical procedure. Gas anaesthesia is a poor choice because of reports of nitrous oxide interfering with the argon fluorine excimer laser. A Diprivan drip is a perfect sedative because of its rapid induction time and effortless ability to titrate the dose. Once he turns off the “drip”, the patient rapidly returns to normal. 

How to Deal With Extremely Anxious Patients During LASIK Surgery

Intraoperative procedure

He continues to do the usual prep. Draping the lashes and placing the lid speculum are best done after the patient is unresponsive. Using an IntraLase femtosecond laser (Abbott Medical Optics) must be in the same room as the excimer laser because the patient will be immobile for the entire procedure. 

The trickiest part of the procedure is tracking. It is impossible to place limbal marks for astigmatism alignment preoperatively. Thus, preoperatively noting iris or limbal landmarks can be helpful. I used the Visx laser (AMO) on both patients with outstanding results, but there may be some advantages to using a laser with an activity tracker. 

Using toothed forceps or globe fixation devices can be critical for fixation. One of my two patients became a bit “lighter” as I began the excimer portion of the surgery on the second eye. She was very cooperative with fixating on the fixation light. 

Checking the flap for alignment, fibres, and debris is critical before completion because it will be challenging to do anything postoperatively without subjecting the patient to another round of anaesthesia. Your surgeon will place the goggles before stopping the Diprivan drip and exiting the laser suite. 


As with any ophthalmic procedure, the anesthesiologist or recovery room nurse monitors the vital signs, gives the patient something to drink, removes the IV and discharges the patient when ready. Carefully explaining instructions to family or friends is essential. These patients will struggle with their postoperative drops. I have explained preoperatively to the patient, family, and friends the best way to administer eye drops. I like to have the patients lie down supine with their eyes closed. 

The drops are placed in the medial canthal area while their eyes are closed. Your ophthalmologist will instruct you to open your eyes after he might have put the drops in the medial canthal “trough.” After opening their eyes, if you don’t feel any drop getting into the eye, the surgeon needs to repeat that procedure until you feel something. 


I hope this article will encourage my colleagues to try this procedure. Countless people are terrified of having their eyes examined, let alone having LASIK. Offering an anesthesiologist to such patients can make LASIK as life-changing an event as it has been for the rest of us. 

How to Keep Your Vision Clear After LASIK Eye Surgery

LASIK eye surgery is a sure way to improve your overall vision, but protecting your eyes doesn’t stop after the procedure. Instead, to ensure the best post-operative results and to safeguard your vision well into the future, there are essential steps you need to take to promote and protect your overall eye health.

Following the procedure, your surgeon will give various post-operative instructions to encourage a quick recovery. But even once you are fully recovered, there are certain things you should do regularly to protect your eyes. Learn more about quick recovery after LASIK surgery.

This article reviews the best things you need to do to protect your eyes after having LASIK surgery. Not only will those practices ensure you achieve your desired, but they can also protect your eyes from future damage and injuries.

Plan Your Outdoor Activities Carefully

One of the benefits of LASIK surgery is it offers a quick recovery time – most people are back to their daily routines within the first 24 hours. But, you won’t be able to do all activities right away. You won’t be able to engage in some strenuous activities for a few days, or in some cases, a week. We have devised a recommended activity schedule for you to follow.

How to Keep Your Vision Clear After LASIK Eye Surgery

For example, on the day of your LASIK eye surgery, you must avoid any activities in which your eyes may be rubbed, poked, or touched. You must prevent showering so that water and soap don’t get in your eyes. You won’t drive your lovely cars and will be instructed to avoid alcohol. However, you will complete outdoor activities or light exercise three days after your LASIK eye surgery. You can only swim with tight goggles. But, you will have to go out without applying your precious eye makeup. A week after the procedure, you can resume vigorous activities, like sailing or swimming.

Remember, even when you are fully recovered and become active in participating in various activities, it is important to utilize proper protective gear, such as safety goggles. That is especially important if you have a job in which eye injuries are common in the workplace.

Attend Post-Operative Exams & Appointments

Following your procedure, we’ll schedule you for various mandatory post-operative exams to monitor your recovery progress. These take place:

  • 24 hours post-procedure
  • Two weeks post-procedure
  • 1-year post-procedure

It is also essential to keep up with regular eye exams. That isn’t only to evaluate the results of your LASIK eye surgery but to monitor your overall eye health. That is important even if you don’t have any apparent trouble with your vision since many eye problems, such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, and macular degeneration, can go unnoticed.

For adults younger than 40 years with no diagnosed eye problems or symptoms, it is usually recommended to have a constant eye check-up every two years. Conversely, since eye health tends to deteriorate with age, those 40 and older should get their eyes checked every 1-2 years. People with a history of eye problems can consider seeing their eye care provider at least once every year.

Treat Dry Eyes

Some patients experience dry eyes after their LASIK eye surgery, although in many cases, LASIK side effects are temporary while the eyes heal. The following symptoms characterize dry eyes:

  • Burning, red, or itchy eyes
  • Excessive tearing

There are various ways to correct dry eyes. For example, standard methods to treat dry eye include over-the-counter or prescription medications; speak to your doctor for more information. You may also use warm water to relieve yourself from the symptoms. You can place a wet cloth over the treated eyes for ten minutes, massaging the eyelids with mild soap.

You can also try a relief plug, a microscopic plug inserted into a patient’s tear duct. It increases the tear film’s level, thereby helping to regulate moisture levels and minimize the discomfort of experiencing dry eye symptoms.

How to Keep Your Vision Clear After LASIK Eye Surgery

Wear UV-protective Sunglasses Outdoors

Even if you have not had LASIK surgery, wearing sunglasses is essential for ensuring your overall eye health. Specifically, sunglasses protect the eyes from UV rays, which can cause macular degeneration, cataracts, and many other things.

Beware that not every sunglass is made of the same quality of materials. Wearing sunglasses without an appropriate level of protection will do little to protect your eyes. The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends looking for sunglasses with a tag or sticker indicating they block 98% to 100% of UV rays.

Furthermore, you’ll be instructed to wear a particular pair of sunglasses immediately following your LASIK eye surgery, which will be provided to you. We ask that you wear these sunglasses instead of a personal pair, which may not provide sufficient protection. Afterwards, continue to wear high-quality sunglasses that block 98% to 100% of UV rays when outdoors.

Protect Your Eyes From Digital Eye Strain

Digital eye strain refers to vision-related problems caused by prolonged exposure to digital devices. It’s characterized by symptoms such as:

  • Eyestrain
  • Headaches
  • Blurred vision
  • Dry eyes
  • Neck and shoulder pain

Digital eye strain has been linked to various short- and long-term health problems. Whether you work at a computer or scroll through a phone or tablet in your time, taking steps to protect the eyes from the blue light emitted by digital screens is crucial to ensuring overall eye health.

For example, blue light-blocking glasses have recently emerged as a promising way to protect eyes from strain caused by devices. Some perceived benefits include reducing eye strain, promoting better sleep, and increasing productivity. Research on the attractive benefits of blue light glasses is still inconclusive. However, there are other helpful steps you can take to minimize digital eye strain, including:

  • Sit 25 inches away from the screen.
  • Utilize a matte screen to reduce glare.
  • Avoid using devices before bed.
  • “20-20-20” Rule: look at something every 20 minutes for at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Final Thoughts 

LASIK eye surgery can restore your vision by reducing or removing the need for eyeglasses and contacts. But the key to achieving the best post-operative visual results is incorporating habits and deliberate practices that promote best eye health. From keeping up with follow-up appointments and eye examinations to wearing the proper eye protection, it is up to you to protect your vision.

How to Choose An Expert Surgeon for Your LASIK Eye Surgery

LASIK eye surgery is arguably the most remarkable medical innovation of the present day technology, eliminating the need for glasses or contacts and restoring near-perfect vision for tens of millions of patients. It is still a surgical procedure, and your future vision depends on selecting the most qualified, skilled, and experienced LASIK surgeon in your neighbourhood. 

Finding a good LASIK surgeon is among the most critical steps you will take if you have been diagnosed with sight problems and are considering a vision correction procedure like lasik eye surgery. Since everybody is different, knowing the exact thing that works best for you regarding personality and approach is essential. Getting that grit feeling: “Yes, you must be able to say: this is the expert  I trust, who can give me the confidence to proceed and help me achieve my vision goals” is extremely valuable.

5 Things To Ask When Choosing your LASIK Surgeon 

Several recently posted reports on the Internet explain what makes the best LASIK eye surgery candidate, but the qualities that define the best LASIK surgeons are even more critical. The surgeon’s profile, credentials and current licensure are the foundational places to start. And, you must have verified every detail online to be double sure.  

Your preferred LASIK surgeon must be a board-certified ophthalmologist. Once you have verified that, look a little deeper to ensure your eyes get the safest LASIK surgery, diagnosis, and long-term follow-up care they deserve. 

How to Choose An Expert Surgeon for Your LASIK Eye Surgery

How many LASIK procedures has he performed, and how many does he perform surgery each week?

While we acknedlege the fact that every one of us would start our career journey somewhere, it is also true that the doctors’ experience, reviews and track records should speak volumes for themselves. Preferably, your LASIK surgeon must have completed at least 10,000 procedures in his entire career. Also, he should perform them regularly, which indicates their skills are top-notch and recommendable. 

One of the most critical questions you can ask your soon-to-be surgeon is, “Have you ever rejected a patient’s request for LASIK eye surgery?” if the answer is ‘Yes’, you are on the right track. It shows the surgeon knows the rules and regulations of the procedure. The reality is that not everybody is a good LASIK eye surgery candidate. Exclusions include diabetes, immune system disorders, or rheumatoid arthritis.   

If the surgeon says he has never rejected a patient, it might mean that he loves money more than the patient’s overall well-being and long-term success, and that is not the right surgeon for you. The right ophthalmologist will always prioritize your health and safety above all else. 

He must have successfully treated numerous patients with your vision diagnosis.

LASIK surgeries can correct many vision problems, including far-sightedness, near-sightedness, astigmatism, and more. Your surgeon should have experience using LASIK surgery to treat patients with the same type and vision impairment successfully. Knowing that your soon-to-be surgeon has performed thousands of successful LASIK surgeries on patients with similar vision problems will give you peace of mind. 

When choosing the right LASIK surgeon, do not base your decision on the cost

Beware of prices that looks too cheap. When selecting the right LASIK surgeon, some may offer you bottom-dollar pricing, but you don’t have to sacrifice the excellence of the procedure and post-surgery care for a discount. Equally, some surgeons may provide you with what seems to be an attractive discount but instead offer terrible service.  

What feelings were you left with after your consultations?

You should schedule LASIK eye surgery consultations with your region’s two or three competent surgeons. In addition to providing more opportunities to understand the procedure and what you should expect, you also can get a feel for their office space, staff, and the surgeon.  

How to Choose An Expert Surgeon for Your LASIK Eye Surgery

While you are there, take the time to evaluate and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are the staff members friendly? 
  • Was the consultation with the surgeon educational and informative? Or did he appear more like a salesperson? 
  • Did you feel calm asking your questions? Were the answers understandable? 
  • Did you feel seen, listened to, safe, and cared for?

Always honour your grit feeling. If the office space offers “all of the greatest and latest” in LASIK technology, but you do not feel comfortable, or the surgeon seems untruthful, your search is not over. Only trust your vision to an ophthalmologist who has gained your 100% trust without remorse.

Do they offer the most suitable laser procedure for you?

There is nothing like size fits all procedure in vision correction. The options include LASIK,  implantable contact lenses, refractive lens exchange and PRK. Your surgeon should be transparent about which procedure is best to accomplish your desired vision correction and whether or not s/he can perform the surgery.

The Best Three Tips for Finding the Right LASIK Surgeon for you 

Here are three tips for finding a perfect LASIK surgeon:

  • Do thorough research. The Internet, your local chamber of commerce, and medical organizations like the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the American Society for Cataracts and Refractive Surgery are all excellent resources.
  • Get referrals from family and friends who have had the procedure. Talk to them about their experiences. It is also a perfect idea to speak with your physician and optometrist to get their input and perhaps even a referral.
  • Once you meet a qualified surgeon, get additional references and recommendations from current and past clients who can discuss their capability with the particular surgeon and practice.

You want the most competent surgeon to help you achieve your ultimate vision correction goals and expectations, so put in the effort to find the right surgeon that meets your needs.

In conclusion 

Beware of a surgeon who over-promises. LASIK eye surgery is a terrific option, but there are boundaries to what it can achieve. For instance, it may not give you perfect vision, just better vision. And since your eyes will continue to change, you might still need reading glasses when you’re older. Your surgeon should be upfront about these limitations, including what you should expect for how long LASIK lasts, LASIK risks, what to expect with LASIK recovery, and more.